Friday, February 26, 2010


Have I ever mentioned Emmylou Harris is Nick's favorite singer? He's taken it a step further, wearing a blue bandana and acting all mellow and earthy.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

a little alliteration

Nick's beauty shop bandana blends with the blue blanket in his bed. Bless.

back from the beauty shop

Boy, are we handsome.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

when you gotta go...

Some of the perspective's lost in this photo, but TRUST: the drifts are taller than the dachshund.

Monday, February 1, 2010

party hq

Notice the balloons, streamers, presents, card, box of cupcakes. Sadly I couldn't fit the disco ball and dancefloor in the frame. Dang!

birthday birthday

I came to work this morning and found my cube decorated with balloons and streamers. Then around lunch time, a bunch of my recently displaced coworkers showed up with cupcakes, a card loaded with cash(!), some gifts, and hugs. Super duper sweet. I'm feeling mighty loved this year! Oh, my nickname at work is T-Bone (thanks Wes/Adam!), hence the name on the envelope.